
Madame Butterfly

This is quite animation, it starts off seemingly nice and tranquil story of a mother, the story progressively gets stranger though out. The child is born out of the mothers fishbowl? Strange but I think it is trying to tell the audience that the child was dependent inside of the mother, now birthed the child changes into a human, although the child is still somewhat dependent on the mother it now can survive with or without her. The cord to the mother to me means that the mother is watching over and caring for the child but at a distances that allows the child to learn and explore the world. The man taking the child from the mother into his own family is a sad part of the story, she may have a better life with her new family than with the mother but it is a hard situation. The mother then dismembers herself, to me this is showing how the mothers time in life is done, her role in life was to provide for her child, but her child was taken away, so what other purpose does she serve? She obviously sees none and takes herself apart.

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